It is an honor and I am thrilled that my pastel painting, Ages Upon Ages was juried in to the Pastel Society of America’s 45th Annual show, Enduring Brilliance! and is currently on display at the National Arts Club in New York City!
Below are a few photos of the work in progress. This painting was created with pastel on 24″ x 18″ Ampersand Pastelbord, sand color.
Normally when working in pastel or oil, I prefer to establish lights and darks and block in major shapes with an underpainting. However, because the tone of the board was already a medium value, I didn’t feel an underpainting was necessary, so I skipped that step and just dove right in after the initial drawing of the major shapes was finished.
Please note: Minor adjustments are often made to colors as the work progresses, but in this case, after the sky was completed (second photo) the color was not changed. The variations in the photos are due to the different lighting conditions when the photos were taken.

Work in progress of Ages Upon Ages

Ages Upon Ages | Pastel on board | 24″ x 18″
Currently on view
Pastel Society of America
45th Annual Exhibition, Enduring Brilliance!
The National Arts Club
15 Gramercy Park South, New York, NY
For more information: Pastel Society of America
Thanks for your interest!
Best Wishes,
More information about the subject of this painting is in the previous blog post.